Thursday, July 15, 2010


I forgot to blog.
So, my sister had a baby at the end of May... and she's pretty darn amazing. In fact she's sleeping in my bed right now while my sister is cleaning her new house. She's taking up a lot of time these days: staring, cooing, holding, bouncing, diaper changing, staring, snuggling....

AND I've started a business plan for myself... Back to Health Fitness. The plan being that I go from town to town in the local area and offer classes through rec centres, long-term care homes, etc. Already I have one class starting up next Tuesday... hope it all pans out!

I followed through with the going to bed early and waking up early thing... though it ended up usually being 10:30 to 6:30. But the habit didn't stick! As soon as the days got longer and it was still light out at 8:30/9, I started going to bed later and later and later.... now it's more like midnight when I finally get to bed and closer to 8 when I get up... bad. Perhaps copping to it on the blogosphere with help me to be a little more accountable in that department.

Plus we're past summer solstice now, so I guess the days are steadily getting shorter anyway. I'll be in bed by 5 in no time.

So, I looked back at my first post... the list, and I can actually scratch a few things off.... I DID talk to K at community futures, and I'm now enrolled and working on my business plan. I DID find a place to live in Kamloops, although when we got there, the landlord couldn't get the tennant to vacate, so it fell through... hence why we're back in Rossland and I'm working on self employment. I haven't gotten new tubes for my bike. Which means I haven't ridden my bike. I'm doing pretty good at being on time, but I still need to do better... it's all in the forethought. Meditating... not so much... yet. I AM flossing! But I haven't busted out the paints and canvas yet. Taxes, check. Baby shower, check. Log book, not check. Necklaces, not check. Wogging... yes and no. Lamp shades, no. Cookies or muffins... Yes! But mostly muffins. Menu planning, not yet. Budget, in progress. Reading more, but not really discussing. Stretching, definitely. Crocheting, yes! I made an afgan as a wedding gift.

So, s'okay. Right!?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spider bite.

So, I think I have a spider bite on my finger. I don't know when I received it, but it looks like I have a mini vampire bite and it's raised and sore and itchy.


Irie HATES spiders.

So today he sat beside me and I told him that I had been bitten by a spider. He did NOT give me the requisite sympathy, so I then proceeded to tell him that any minute now, baby jumping spiders were going to erupt from my finger.

His reaction of fear and repulsion entirely made up for his earlier lack of sympathy.

It's not quite jogging and it's a helluva lot harder than walking... it's WOGGING. Ahhhh the walk/jog. What was I thinking?

Well, really, it was fine. But my legs still feel all wobbly and stuff. And truly, all I want to do for the rest of the day is lay on the couch and eat popcorn.

Except that to make the popcorn would require me getting up and standing, and that's too hard right now.

Maybe later.

cccooooooouuuuuuuuucccchhhhhhhhhhh. yes.

Thursday, April 01, 2010


Who's the asshole that decided 6am would be an appropriate time to get up every morning for the next fucking month?


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Woke up to snow this morning.

This year spring came a bit on the early side, and I wasn't quite ready to let winter go... but over the last few weeks I have gotten used to the idea that the snow is out and the green grass will soon be in. So, snow this morning was confusing. Was I happy? What I upset?

Meh. It's all melted now regardless.

Anyway, the weather feels remarkably like my state of mind these days. Am I coming or going? What exactly is my plan here? No plan!? What a shocker.

I was asked a while back -if there's one thing you could change about you to make a healthy improvement in your life, what would it be?

There are actually quite a lot of things, but after some thought I realised that the biggest change would be to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. And I think I'd have to add that that means actually GETTING up after I wake up. Like, setting the alarm for 6 am and getting up without hitting the snooze button for 45 minutes. I wish I was exaggerating.

So, WHY NOT? What am I ever going to accomplish by just theorising about it?? Tomorrow is the first day of a new month, what better time to start than with a fresh new month? I've heard it said that it take a month to ingrain a new habit, so here goes... I'm committing to going to bed every night at 10 pm and waking up at 6 am every morning for April 2010.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bless their sweet, invasive, presumptuous, jack ass souls.

Jay Dubs visited my house yesterday. The dog went completely nutzo and wanted to eat them - it would be to my immense satisfaction if she were trained to only bark at the J to the D-U-Bs, but really she's a bitch to all visitors. I told them I wasn't interested and then they still tried to leave a pamphlet on the porch. But I yelled, 'no thank you, NO THANK YOU' when they asked if I wanted one.

After I closed the door I realised the more appropriate response would have been "HELL NO!"

One day I'm going to invite them in and ask them:

If Adam and Eve were the first two humans, and everyone after that is a descendant of them, then that must mean they had to commit some SERIOUS incest to get us all here. So does that mean that incest really IS best and we should keep it in the family?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where's Freud when you need him?

Last night I dreamt that I was Carey Mulligan fighting cancer in my foot, and then, like in a movie, my dream flashed back to the night that I discovered it. There was a dance performance but the woman who was to do it didn't show up, so somehow I was put into costume and shoved onto stage to take her place. I had no idea what the routine was, so made it up on the spot. At times it was good, at other times it was just plain wrong. At one point, the costume (a sequined figureskateresque blue number) slipped down and it was a bit before I noticed both my boobs were hanging out. Anyway, when the song finally ended, I staggered off stage to where my roommate/best male friend was waiting for me (it was Elena's nice ex-boyfriend from the Vampire Diaries, NOT that I have ever watched that drivel. NOT that he is exceedingly waaaay too young for me, though not for Carey Mulligan. But I digress.) and said "something's wrong". And without any need for more information (it was like he knew) lifted me off my feet and clung me to him and whisked me off to a little alcove where we could be alone. Then he started probing my foot until he found the lump, don't ask me why we both were looking for a lump and not a sprain or broken foot... I already said it was like he knew. And then all the clunging and whisking and probing... I was turned on despite the discovery of a lump in my foot (I KNOW! Finally something good in my dream) and that's exactly when my radio alarm clicked on and wrecked my dream.

It wasn't even good radio.
Prioritize the priorities...

  • Talk to K at community futures about starting a home based business.
  • Find a place to live in Kamloops for the summer.
  • Get new tubes for your bike.
  • Ride your bike.
  • Make a true effort to never be late for anything. Ever.
  • Meditate.
  • Floss.
  • Paint on the big canvas you bought almost a year ago that is still in plastic.
  • Learn to stretch your own canvasses.
  • Do your taxes.
  • Plan a baby shower for M.
  • Organise a family communication 'log book'.
  • Use said 'log book'.
  • All those broken necklaces that you've been meaning to fix.... FIX THEM.
  • Wog.
  • Make the lamp shades for the bathroom sconces.
  • Bake cookies or muffins at least once a week.
  • Get back into menu planning.
  • Make a budget.
  • Don't blow your budget.
  • Go to bed earlier.
  • Wake up earlier.
  • Read (and discuss) more books.
  • Stretch.
  • Work on crochet projects.
  • Keep adding to the list.